magnifiqueNOIR Book Two: You Are Magical

- Brain Mill Press: a glowing review for the ladies’ second adventure and how the book addresses the importance of self-care amongst black, queer women.
Amazon Reviews
“This is a perfect addition to the YA genre. The stories being told here are real though they take place in a fictional world their struggles are felt by so many.” –Orlando Rivera
“If you’re going to pick up something full of adventure, strong female characters, and heart-warming friendship, make it MagnifiqueNoir. You won’t regret it.” -Tyrine C
“Briana paints a story that relates to so many and her representation of poc as well as sexual identities is not just a breath of fresh air but a MUCH needed staple for today’s society. She not only draws you in with her writing but her characters become a part of you, capturing your heart and making you desire more and more.” -Shawna Wanner
You can check out more reviews on Amazon HERE!
magnifiqueNOIR Book One: I Am Magical

- Confessions of the One and Only F.J.R Titchenell: An A-ranking for the ladies of magnifiqueNOIR.
- F-Bom Review: An amazing review of the first book during F-Bom’s Book of The Month in November/December.
- Video Review by ONYX Pages: A touching review on the book and how important it is to readers.
- Video Review by Jade Aurora: A glowing review from cosplayer and creator, Jade Aurora!
- Video Review by Orange Juice Cosplay: This amazing cosplayer decided to record their thoughts on the book!
- Just Love – Queer Book Reviews: A 4.5-star review. “This is why writing and reading diversity is so important: it opens us up to a world we don’t understand, while also providing voices to people who often get left out of books.”
- Wear Your Voice: This article praises the portrayal of black queer women in magnifiqueNOIR! This article was also featured on Afropunk!
- Love Bytes Review: A 4-star review from this LGBTQ book website!
- J.S. Fields also gave the book a 4-star review and said, “Magnifique Noir is a delight from start to finish, full of all the lush color and bubblegum happiness we expect from the magical girl genre.”
Amazon Reviews
“As an adult, I’ve struggled at reading with the same voracity I had as a child, but this book might’ve been the cure. It’s been a long time since I sat down to read a book cover to cover in one weekend, but I just couldn’t put this one down.” – DukeDeBhavana
“As a youth services librarian, the one thing I hear the most from my kids is that they want good stories that feature people like them. Especially good geek culture stories. Anime, Video Games, comics…these are the things they love, and the things they are aching to see themselves in. While that range of characters and experiences in entertainment is getting better, it’s still sorely lacking. So when I heard about MagnifiqueNoir’s black queer magical girl characters, I was cautiously optimistic. Representation in fiction is vital, but representation in a good story even more so. I can honestly say, that my optimism was well invested.” – Sarah T. Hodge
“This is a book I can give to friends I just know who need it, and watch as their eyes light up in ways they didn’t know possible, only to point at the cover and say, “They’re like me!” Yes, hon. They are very much like you.” – Count von Kit
“Briana has cleverly woven pop culture and nerd fandom with social struggles that many people face on a daily basis. With fun artwork peppered through the book, it’s fun and reminiscent of a true noir classic: black and white with “pops” of color.” –Shawna Wanner
“The diverse cast highlights many different aspects of minority and queer representation that is much needed in this current era, with a colorful ride that feels like hope for the future.” –Wil
“This is my first book that I read by the author and I loved it. It blends dynamics of the best super hero origin stories, interpersonal relationship building, family dynamics, and DOESN’T answer every question in the first few pages.” –Morgan McChurch
You can check out more reviews on Amazon HERE!
“This is a fun, adventure filled tale that the little Black nerd girl in me would have loved to have. There’s queer rep, size rep, all shades of Black and natural hair rep. There’s strong friendships and of course, evil monsters to defeat.” – The FountainPenDiva
“This book is so much fun! Imagine Sailor Moon with queer black girls and cupcakes!” -Megan
“This book is really sweet. It’s rainbows, glitter and cupcakes – quite literally.” -BadassCmd
“Plenty here to squee about. Pop culture gamer references, fast paced action, fun, food, feelings, flirting, fashion, family, fantastic monsters, and geek graphics galore.” -Conrad Zero
You can check out more reviews on Goodreads here and here.
You can also check out the reviews for my other books by clicking on my Author Section!
If you’re a reviewer/blogger interested in reviewing the book series, please email