What does it mean to be magical?
Who decides who is magical?
What does it take to be magical?
Am I magical?
Are we?
Welcome, everyone, to the world of magnifiqueNOIR, a young adult book series that delves into the lives of a group of extraordinary magical girls who defend the lives of the people around them. Along the way, they face new challenges that may undo everything that they’ve become, but even so, they always work to be the best women they can be.
It starts out simple enough: there’s monsters roaming around the city, and there’s girls ready to save the day. They balance their normal lives with their magical lives, and attempt to follow the magical girl formula of proper transformations, elegant attacks, and stunning poses. But even the most dedicated magical girl begins to ask questions. Where are the monsters coming from? Where did their powers come from? Were they the first ones to be appointed as magical girls, because these transformation tools feel well-worn, as if there’s some history behind them.
Is it worth seeking answers to these questions, or is it better to follow the status quo?
Our Creation
In March, 2016, Briana was getting ready for her first convention of the year. She had a pile of things to do, but instead, she felt the urge to create something new. She began sketching a girl on a piece of wood, then, once she sketch was done, she woodburned the image onto the wood and painted it. At the time, she didn’t think much of it, but that girl would later become the leader of a group of extraordinary women. “Galactic Purple” was the first magical girl Briana created, and soon, three others joined her: “Cosmic Green,” “Radical Rainbow,” and “Prism Pink.” She also created one more character, a goddess only known as, “Heavenly Universe.”
At the time, none of the characters had names beyond their magical girl titles. They didn’t have personalities, back stories, likes, dislikes… they were blank slates. But, over time, each girl developed into a character. More importantly, the girls came together as a team, and Briana began putting together an outline for a book series. Each book will explore each of the girls and their relationships with one another, along with their interactions with others — both in their magical, and everyday, lives. Along with the books there will be other things you can collect for each of the girls: buttons, prints, crafts, and more!
Don’t forget: You Are Magical.