Good day, magical ones! Conventions are starting up next week! I have two back-to-back ones, so here’s where you can find me:
Date: March 16 – 18th
Location: Overland Park, KS
Where to Find Me: ARTIST ALLEY! I will have a table and will be selling all weekend. Table location will be posted closer to the event.
Date: March 23 – 25th
Location: Lansing, MI
Where to Find Me: ARTIST ALLEY! I will have a table and will be selling all weekend. Table location will be posted closer to the event.

What the set up usually looks like!
Now onto some quick updates!
- There’s a new section in the menu for Book Readings and Presentations!!! They feature video of my readings and any presentations I give that are videotaped!
- There’s more freelance work to share! Check out the WatchMojo tab, the MojoPlays tab, and the Twin Cities Geek Movie Reviews tab for all kinds of fun stuff!
That’s all! Hope to see you at Naka-Kon next week! And don’t forget: you are magical 🙂